
Monday 14 May 2012

Daisy's 18th

If you're still popping by then thank you so much. I'm hanging my head in shame for being such a bad blogger... there just aren't enough hours in a day for me at the moment. It was great to see some of you at the Lili of the Valley open weekend, it's always lovely to meet people in 'real life'!!

For those of you that are still here then thank you! I have a card today which is a bit different from my usual style - my daughter is 18 soon, she's one of the youngest in her group so this past year I've made so many 18th cards I've lost count.

I made one like this and they all loved it so I've made a few since in different colourways.

I love love love hAnglar stamps, I've built up a nice little collection by finding them on ebay and I did buy a few sets directly from them but it's strange because nothing has happened on their website for months. I hope they haven't closed, I love the designs of the Magnolia stamps but I just can't take to the faces on them, I much prefer these.

I find the large areas quite hard to colour, I'm just not there yet with the markers, probably because I don't have enough time to practice and I know it's not going to happen overnight.

The numbers and letters were cut on my Cricut with George and basic shapes and I embossed the core'dinations card that she's sat on.

Hope you like it, make sure you come back tomorrow for another of our LOTV design team mini blog hops when there will be some random commentors prizes.

Anne x


  1. This is so sweet, she is really cute. I can sympathise with the colouring woes - I need much more practice too though yours looks lovely to me. xx

  2. This is so cute Anee, These images are gorgeous..Love the papers you have used. Great layout too.

    Hugs Kelly

  3. Hi Anne,
    This is so lovely and I love the lettering. I must get out my George and Basics shapes again, I had forgotton how fab the lettering was.
    All the best Linda x

  4. Great card. I love the Hanglar images too, but hard to find in the USA. Thanks !!!


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment, I love to read them and will try to return the visit. Anne x

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