
Saturday 19 May 2012

Walk the Plank blog hop winner ....

Hi everyone, hope you're having a lovely weekend so far.

I'll be back later with some candy, but for now here is the winner of the commenters prize from our mini blog hop last week.

The prize I'm giving away is a Lili of the Valley stamp, and the winner drawn at random is PAT - here's Pat's comment;

Hi Anne! Yikes! Is this ever cute! I am lovin' this stamp more and more with each DT's blog I visit! Love your card design...and DPs. And...what a clever idea to stamp just the puppy on the tag! Love it! Hugs. Pat Frank

Thanks Pat, email me with your address and I'll get your prize sent off to you.

I'd like to say a big thanks to everyone who took the time to visit and leave a comment on my card, it's very much appreciated.

PS. Maureen I'd be happy to do a little tutorial on how I made the tag so watch out for it in the next couple of weeks.

Back soon xx


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment, I love to read them and will try to return the visit. Anne x

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