
Sunday 24 June 2012

Manny ….


A couple of you have asked about my dog Manny (sorry for not answering you Kara I meant to put this on a few days ago) so I thought I’d tell you about him tonight as he is my golden boy!!

We got him from the rescue centre when he was a puppy and thought he just had cute little stubby legs. It was soon apparent that as he was growing his legs were really quite a funny shape and he often started limping.

We took him to the vets for x-rays and they said his legs are congenitally deformed. As he gets older his feet are turning outwards and his little front legs are very bent, his back legs are normal which puts pressure on his back because his front end is lower.

We have no idea what breed he is, he’s a Heinz 57 for sure. He is just the nicest little dog and I spoil him rotten, he loves to have a cuddle and we’re all happy to oblige!

I don’t think he’s in pain, he loves to run around but knows when he’s had enough. The only treatment would be breaking his legs and putting pins in, it would cost £1000’s and cause him a lot of pain with no guarantee to make him better so not really an option. I don’t think he’ll be with us for very long but I’m so glad we went to the dogs trust on that particular day, I know he was meant to be with us.


When he was a puppy;




You can see how his feet turn out, and his right leg is the worst;

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He’s such a character - I love him! 

nov 08 002 Riverside Meadows August 08 086 slingsby aug 08 095


My favourite pic, he has such a lovely face 




Thanks for letting me indulge!! I’ll stick to cards in future lol   …enjoy the rest of your evening  xx


  1. AWWW thank you so much for sharing your beautiful photos Ann, you have really made me smile!!!
    Hugs Sue

  2. Oh Anne, thank you for sharing, he's gorgeous and he does look so happy. HUGZ Fleur xXx

  3. Oh he is beautiful! x

    love Mags B x

  4. Anne he is beautiful...that face is just the cutest ever...thanks so much for sharing him with all of us!

    Tags xx

  5. Oh, the poor precious pup! So glad he's not in pain and he is a beauty! He reminds me so much of our dog, Midget, growing up. We had no idea what mix of breed she was either. Thank you for sharing!

  6. Awww poor pup, I think he landed on his paws when you arrived at the shelter. I agree, he has such a lovely face and lovely bright eyes, he's beautiful. His wee face reminds me of our dog that I grew up with, she was a great natured whippet cross and great fun.

  7. Oh Anne, you can indulge anytime if it is up to me, Manny is absolutely gorgeous, what a handsome dog!
    We have a soon to be 18 year old PUPPY and she is my baby, we rescued her and over diffficult times in my life she has literally rescued me.
    I dread the times that we will be without her, anyway, enough of that, Manny is a truely lovely dog, thank you for showing him to us. xxx

  8. Anne he's gorgeous - and as you say, it's lovely to have him for however long! he's got such a beautiful face and we have them to spoil them! (Even my blog is named after our very spoilt dog!). Give him a cuddle from me!
    Kim x

  9. Awh!! These photos are gorgeous he is so lovely, and cuddly and loveable lol!!
    Isn't it funny how all dogs have that adoring look when they look at someone special...Thanks for sharing him with us :)
    Big hugs to you both :)

  10. I'm a softy when it comes to animals,just reading about your gorgeous dog Manny has made the tears well up. You have a kind heart ,I hope you ,your family and Manny have a long and lovely time together. janex

  11. Awh!! He is so cute Anne! I love animals! We have 2 cats and they are absolutely spoilt rotten!

    Sarah x

  12. Awww he is such a darling, yes such a lovely face ... and even if he won't be with you for long, you can say that you gave him the best love you could give him xxx

  13. What a gorgeous boy he is Anne and how lucky he is to have found your kind loving home. Enjoy him!
    Jane x

  14. aww what a sweet boy and I am sorry to hear of his problems. I hope he continues to not be in pain and lives a happy life with you for as long as possible. Thanks for telling us about your special golden boy and my thoughts will be with him and you - hoping for a pain free happy life for as long as possible.

    We have two dogs ourselves, a male Golden Retriever called Harley and a Black Labrador called Myka. Thanks for sharing him with us, he is a very special dog and its easy to see how happy he is and how much he loves you. As others have said he was very lucky when you walked into the rescue centre and brought him home.

    Best wishes x

  15. What a gorgeous baby, I can see why you fell in love with him. I wonder if a doggy wheelchair would help him? Usually they are for the back legs but I wonder if something could be done for the front? Someone we knew had one for a little cat he rescued, who was paralysed on his back legs and he took to it straight away.

  16. Aw he is the most beautiful litttle dog. bless hi s heart, one of my yorkies has legs a little like this but not so bad, he is just goreous darlin ,yu enjoy him xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  17. What an adorable boy, definitely a cutie and he is so lucky having you as a Mummy. I'm such a sucker for a cute doggie, especially a special needs. Thankyou for sharing Manny's story. Cheers Linda

  18. Aww, he is so lovely Anne. We spoil our little Westie Haggis so much and there is nothing like a doggy kiss to melt the heart

  19. What a lovely dog, and obviously a treasured friend. I hope he beats the odds, and is with you for many years to come.

  20. Hi anne
    Gorgeous doggy pictures .... He certainly looks a beautiful dog......
    Hugs sylvie
    Greetings from a red hoy Gibraltarxxx

  21. Hi Just found your blog via LOTV so having a peek through and as soon as I saw this post i just had to comment, he is such a gorgeous little chap how sad about his poor legs I do hope he continues to stay pain free for a long time, I have 2 teenagers that have flown the nest and when my eldest went to Uni we decided to get ourselves a furbaby so I could give lots of maternal cuddles to that and boy has she got us wrapped around her 'paws' she is my baby, so I completely understand how they can capture your heart. Wishing you lots and lots of cuddles for many more years Lou xx


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment, I love to read them and will try to return the visit. Anne x

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