
Friday 20 July 2012

Is Summer here ....

...well it's a great foreacst for the weekend so we're off camping!

It's just me, the hubby and the dog -  it's not cool for the kids any more to be camping with Mum and Dad and they turn their noses up at the very mention of outdoor life.

How soon they've forgotten what fun we used to have, a sunny day, a picnic and a fishing net was all we needed for hours of entertainment by the river that cost virtually nothing. Now I think my daughter would rather lose a leg than be parted from her mobile phone and I'm sad that those precious days have gone.

I've had my Lili's Little Fairies challenge card ready to show you since Thursday but for some reason the challenge hasn't been put up yet so I'll be back with it hopefully on Sunday when I get home.

Meanwhile if you're in the UK enjoy the sun, this weekend may be our Summer!   ...wherever in the World you are though thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a fabulous weekend



  1. Have a great weekend Anne,
    HUGZ Fleur xXx

  2. Have a great weekend Anne and enjoy your camping - and the memories of those days with the kids that you'll ALWAYS have :) and if my sisters and I are anything to go by, once the teenage years are done with, doing things with the parents suddenly becomes fun again :)

    Tags xx

  3. They will remember those days once they have kids, and want to give them everything you did. Enjoy your time together this weekend!

  4. Enjoy your weekend, the dog will love this too. I loved camping holidays with my mum and dad when I was younger, though now I can see, it wasn't as much of a holiday for them... driving, pitching tents, keeping us kids entertained and cooking at a camping stove, but it was a great family time. I'm sure your kids will look back fondly too at the great memories of these carefree days when they're older.
    It's so uplifting to see a pretty blue sky and sunshine coming in through the window when I got up this morning.

  5. Have a great weekend Anne,

    Hugs Kelly

  6. Enjoy your week-end hun..I'm having the same thing with my granddaughter too!! but it's true what Tanya Deb likes the same things as her Mum and Dad now lol!!
    Enjoy Summer lol!!

  7. Hi Anne, hope you have a great time. We used to go with the girls in a trailer tent and had some fab weekends but they both work now and other interests and you do feel a bit sad about it. Happy days!
    Can't wait to see your card.
    Pleased to meet you at Doncaster.
    Hugs Sue W.


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment, I love to read them and will try to return the visit. Anne x

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