
Thursday 9 August 2012

A little friend …



Good evening everyone, I had a little drama today. I was coming back from taking Manny for his walk and I saw a little baby hedgehog on the path.

I know they shouldn’t be out in the daylight and I could see he was breathing but didn’t know if he was asleep or injured.

I ran home to get a box and he stayed curled up in there for about 2 hours then he started to wander about a bit and had some food and water, Manny was fascinated by him!

He seemed to be in good health so I decided to just release him but them I had a dilemma because where I found him is near the road, I didn’t want him near the road but I didn’t want his Mum looking for him so I was in a real quandary – all the time my husband is rolling his eyes at me!!

I ended up compromising and taking him to some woodland nearby, it’s not as far from the road as I would have liked but I don’t think it’s too far from where I found him.




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I’d only worked at Lili of the Valley for 2 days when Lisa rang me and said they’d found a little injured hedgehog. I’d told her that I’ve rescued a few from the roadside and taken them to my local vet and she didn’t know what to do with him so they brought him over to me.

We all love animals and I think we knew then that I was going to fit right in lol. What can I say, I love the little hedgies   …they are so cute and I can’t bear to see them dead on the roads. I know a few accidents are unavoidable but I think a lot are mainly because of the idiots that drive too fast.


I’ll get off my soap box now and onto today's card. The theme over at Lili’s Little Fairies this week is  monochrome. I enjoyed this and found it a challenge to use just one colour.





I chose blue and I used one of the new mini masterpiece sheets, it saves so much time when you don’t have to colour your image.


Here’s what I used;

Core’dinations card

Lace from the Ribbon Girl

Wild Orchid Craft flowers

Gorgeous Maja design papers from dies to die for

Lili of the Valley sentiment tags

Magnolida doo hickey doily die

Spellbinders Circle dies



Right I’m going to watch a bit of the Olympics, I’ve really enjoyed it and have watched sports I never thought I would  …and team GB are doing so well!


Have a lovely evening x




  1. Gorgeous card Anne, love all the shades of blue.
    Cute hedgie too! I know what you mean about fast drivers, we have lots of rabbits in the fields near us and sometimes there seams to be be too many on the road:-(
    Lorraine x

  2. You did what you could for the baby hedgie, sounds like he was okay when he was eating and drinking and wanting to have a wander. I hope his mum found him soon. Manny looked fasinated by him in the photo. Your card is lovely and so cute, looks great in those shades of blue with just a touch of cream.

  3. Anne your card is fabulous, you are going to worry about this little chap for days now , what are you like . Well done for helping Hugs Elaine

  4. Fabulous card and such a lovely layout and colours.
    A few years ago we removed a piece of plastic tube that had managed to get stuck around a baby hedgehogs neck, then the next day we found another baby hedgie had fallen into our pond and he didn't survive - made me feel quite guilty, but we had to keep the pond for about 10 frogs who lived there xx

  5. what a lucky little hedgie - aaah thanks Anne - taht's just lovely! Your card is fab too xx

  6. Such a gorgeous card Anne, I love the cute image and pretty colours.
    I think you did the right thing for that poor hedgie. It's good to look after our wildlife if we can.

    Hugs Sue

  7. O Anne I love hedgepigs SOOOO much too. The sweetest creatures. Glad you helped this little fellow. Your card is lovely, so many shades of blue. I have just seen Bolt win the 200m...what a legend!
    Jane x

  8. How cute is this hedgie, our old dog used to carry them in from the garden, in his mouth!!! Anyway a STUNNING card Anne, perfect in this colour.
    HUGZ Fleur xXx

  9. I understand your dilemma with the hedgehog. They are so cute aren't they. Funnily enough my neighbour found one today wandering in the daylight and she is looking after it till hedgehog rescue comes for it. She puts cat biscuits out every evening once it gets dark and she has a baby that comes for the food. Your card is gorgeous Anne. Love the blue and such a fab image.
    Love Sharon. x

  10. your card is gorgeous. You are a kind soul, I love animals and hate seeing them hurt or killed by cars, keep up the good work. janex

  11. It is such a shame, I think you done the right thing taking him back tor the woods Anne..

    Your card is gorgeous too.. love the different shades of blue.

    have a good weekend
    Hugs Kelly

  12. Your lovely xxx if only the world was full of people who think and feel like you do about animals.

    Your card is beautiful, so petty! I love the gorgeous blues.

    Love,melly. xxx

  13. Oh Anne, he looks like such a cutie, I would have done exactly the same, and great decision about the woodland, as for your hubbie rolling his eyes...well!
    This is a lovely card, love the colour scheme. xxx

  14. You were so sweet looking after the little hedgie - there should be more people like you around! The card is gorgeous, I love the image and thank you for my gorgeous gift - I can't wait to play! xx

  15. Such a pretty card and what an adorable little hedgie! I've rescued a few recently - a huge one that appeared on the road right in front of me - my brakes worked well although it gave my OH behind me an interesting moment or two.....thankfully it was a 30 zone although he was wandering around oblivious and no doubt some people would have just run him over. Moved him to some wooded grass..and smaller one in a farm house gateway the other night literally right on the edge of the road. I ended up shuffling around and stamping about in the gateway to make a noise to get him to scoot back up the path - goodness knows what I looked like doing some weird dance in someones gate at 1am but it did work.....i'd just managed to shoo the wild cat off the road on the sharp 60mph zone bends just before the gate too so a good nights work even if i did look rather silly...

  16. I do hope the hedgehog survives, thanks to your vigilance. It is a long time since I saw a real hedgehog. (We moved to the US in 1988) Thanks for this little story, and I love the pictures- especially seeing little Manny's face peeking over the box!

  17. gorgeous card. fab image. love the colours.
    we rescue all kinds of animals from snakes and lizards to hamsters, bearded dragons and cats. you name it we've rescued it!!
    hope Hedgie is doing well x

  18. Aw! hunnie...I'm sure little hedgie will be fine now that you have put him somewhere safe...Manny is good just looking...our little Cassy would have been in the box...just for a closer look lol!!!
    Fabulous card hun..gorgeous colours and design..and I love that little bear he is so cute....
    Didn't manage to get to the open day this time :(

  19. Awww! Anne, that is such a sweet hedgehog! I've never seen one before .. and it looks so darling! That's so wonderful of you to take care of it and help the animals. :) We love animals as well! :)

    Well, your card is simply STUNNING! Looove that color combo and your colouring! And those flowers .. sigh .. absolutely divine!

    Big Hugs,


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