
Monday 20 August 2012

My winner, and something to show you!!



Good evening crafters, hope you all had a lovely weekend.

Thank you so much for all the lovely comments on my blog hop card

My blog had a mystery prize from The Ribbon Girl (hooray) and the winner is




Such a gorgeous card Anne and so beautifully coloured. Love the papers.
Hugs Sharon. x


Email me Sharon and I’ll get your goodies sent out to you



We have another blog hop tomorrow, this is a big one to show you the new stamps from Lili of the Valley which are out on the 22nd.

The full DT are taking part and there are some amazing cards for you to see and 2 great prizes up for grabs


I have something I thought you’d like to see, I was watching Create and Craft one day and there was a bow maker being used. I said to my son how handy that would be to make nice bows and he came home from school the next day with this ….






…he made it for me in his wood work class bless him! The design may need a little fine tuning but it actually does work.

The two posts are glue sticks so the ribbon does stick to them a bit (lol) but isn’t it clever of him when there was nothing else that was suitable – he’s improvised!


Enjoy the rest of your evening, see you tomorrow x




  1. oh bless! well done that boy! and I bet it means more to you Anne than one you might have bought?
    Kim x

  2. What a thoughtful young man. It may not be perfect but his thought was of your need, that is special.
    Hugs Linda x

  3. Awww, it's so sweet of your son to do this. :) Hugs! xx

  4. How lovely of your son to make this for you.

    hugs Sue

  5. How fab - Isn't it nice to know that he thinks of you.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi Anne. Thank you so much for the mystery prize. I am so chuffed. I want to sent you my address but I can't find anywhere on your blog for sending you a private email. Am I just being rather stupid!!!
      Hugs Sharon. x

    2. Ooops sorry Sharon meant to put a link and forgot. It's

    3. Did you send me your address Sharon? I haven't got it x

  7. What a wonderful and loving son you have! I'd treasure his labor of love forever (as I'm sure you are!). Enjoy your week!

  8. What a lovely thing to do - how nice is that! Full marks to your Son.

  9. That is so sweet Anne, you must be very proud of him! Such a sweet thing for a lad to do, most teenage boys I know wouldn't do something as nice as that! You're very lucky to have such a caring son :)

    Tags xx

  10. Aw bless him! What a lovely thing for him to do and so clever too! I bet you are one proud Mum! xx

  11. Brilliant!! bless him xxx

  12. You have a very clever and caring son Anne. Hugs, Marjorie. x

  13. Congrats to Sharon. Bless your son and how thoughtful of him.
    Kim xXx

  14. Congratulations to Sharon..well done hunnie...and what a lovely surprise for you too Anne, what a fabulous creation...bless:)

  15. Your son is a sweetheart! I just love that he made that for you! Made me smile and warmed my heart! He is blessed by a wonderful Mother!!! And you are blessed by a wonderful son! :)

  16. Wat lief van je zoon om dit voor jou te maken.
    Je kunt zien dat hij van je houdt.
    Gr. Elly


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment, I love to read them and will try to return the visit. Anne x

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