
Monday 4 February 2013

I’m in bother …



Good morning girls, I’m in trouble today. Those of you that have been visiting my blog for a while might remember that a few months ago I lost my wedding ring

I’d given up all hope of it ever turning up and my Husband bought me a new one only a couple of weeks ago (and of course I picked the dearest one lol)

Well you know what I’m going to say   …I was rummaging in my towel drawer to get out a clean towel last night and there shining at the bottom was my wedding ring!

I thought I’d looked everywhere, it must have come off when I was getting a towel out. It was probably in between the pile and as they get used and washed and pulled in and out of the drawer it’s dropped down to the bottom, he wasn’t happy with me   …ooops!





I have something a bit different to show you today, this is a gift bag I decorated before Christmas and it’s the first one I’ve done.

I don’t generally make larger cards so it was fun to have the bigger area to play with for a change…



Penguin Bag - Feb



I used an old Lili of the Valley bag and covered the printed side

We do sell plain ones in the shop now just for decorating and they’ve proved to be very popular

I embossed black and yellow core’dinations card and then trimmed round the edge with some lace from The Ribbon Girl


 Penguin Bag 3 - Feb

 Penguin Bag 2 - Feb

 Penguin Bag 5 - Feb


I used the Merry Christmas Penguins Mini Masterpiece sheet, the largest size one was perfect for this project


All the little embellishments were made with the Grunge Christmas Postmarks set


I trimmed the bag with some Wild Orchid Craft flowers and some mini bead string which I love for looping in between the flowers. We have it in the LOTV shop and I think you can also get it from The Ribbon Girl


Finally I went around the edges with some Distress Stickles



Penguin Bag 4 - Feb



The little matching tag was made with the smallest image on the sheet  …this size is perfect for tags




Hope you like it, thanks for stopping by  …and have a lovely day everyone







  1. What a super bag Anne love the black and yellow and of course who couldn't love those darling penguins
    jacqui x

  2. Oh Anne, i really feel for you. You must have been so relieved to find your ring but opps, got a new one now as well. Your bag is gorgeous. I love making these. You keep tempting me with all the things in the shop, I can't wait to visit in May.

  3. Glad to hear your wedding ring turned up, it's the most special one to you. I know I would hate to loose mine. Your bag is wonderful, all those wee penguins are adorable, love it , kate x

  4. Oh!! Anne this is fabulous, what a wonderful idea!! you are soooo clever lol!! I am so pleased you found your wedding ring.. I know Keith might of had a few words to say but I think underneath he would be secretly glad you had found it:)and now you have two special rings:)..

  5. Hi Anne, Some years ago I found a wedding ring in a box of loose potatoes in Sainburys! I handed it in at customer service. I never did find out if it was claimed. I wouldn't feel too bad about not finding yours until now. It could have been any where. You can wear the new one on the other hand!
    Your bag is amazing. I hope you didn't give it away! The colours are stunning and love the embellies. Hugs, Carol S.xx
    PS. Thanks for telling me where my sentiment stamp came from!:) I would have found out if I had put it back in my folder!

  6. This is gorgeous Anne. I love that cute image and all the detailing you have added looks wonderful.
    I am glad your Wedding ring turned up, even though you have a new one now!
    Sue xx

  7. OMG the same thing happend in That 70's show :)))) you got to watch tat:

    Your bag is just gorgeous!!!!! So so pretty. hugs! Mojca

  8. Gorgeous bag Anne! The colours are fab and I love the tag, really cute :) That's kind of funny about your ring! Even though you got a new one, I don't think anything can replace sentimental value really, so I'm happy that you found the original one :)

    Tags xx

  9. such a gorgeous bag and matching tag Anne - and your ring - I bet you're glad to see it really - even if you are in trouble! Hugs xx

  10. You must be really pleased to find your original ring, even if you are in a bit of bother!
    Your bag is gorgeous. The image is really sweet and I love the black and yellow colour combo. The little tag is a perfect finishing touch.
    Lorraine x

  11. This is so pretty. Glad your ring turned up even if hubby was a bit grumpy...

  12. Oh Anne, that is such good news about your wedding ring, I bet your hubbie will just be pleased and happy that you are happy. A bit of good news instead of all the bad, what a refreshing change. Great card too, you are having a great day! xxx

  13. Anne, you gave me a much needed giggle..hahaa! I once had the whole of Asda up because I had been digging down in a frozen food cabinet and realised my engagement ring was missing....they very obligingly got two assistants and the manager to empty the whole cabinet of ring! I later found it in the hood of my baby's coat.....never went back to that Asda, lol.
    Love your very detailed bag....I'd be keeping that for myself, hahaa!

  14. I'm glad the original ring turned up. You'll be thrilled finding it, the second one, though expensive just isn't the same. Very cute penguin bag, and very pretty way to decorate this.

  15. oops! at least you have a spare incase you lose another one!!! Your gift bag is gorgeous! So much nicer than buying one. xx

  16. Gorgeous bag Anne, love this sweet image. Might starting making a few Christmassy bits soon, Pleased you found the ring.
    HUGZ Fleur xXx

  17. This is just gorgeous Anne, love the image and fab colours.

  18. Hi Anne this is stunning and very sweet x

  19. Don't know whether to say I am pleased you found your wedding ring or not!!!
    The card is gorgeous. I love the image and the embellishments are stunning.
    Addictive stuff Pinterest.
    Hugs Sharon. x

  20. I really love your bag It's gorgeous!
    Hugs Helene from Quebec!


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