
Tuesday 18 June 2013

Hot Hot Hot …


Evening all, my friend is on holiday at the moment so I’m missing my Tuesday night wine. I’m always out on a Tuesday so Keith does his own thing normally  …which means I can spend the whole evening tonight in the attic crafting   …except I’ve just come up here and it’s sooo bloomin hot so I don’t know how long I’ll last to be honest!

It said on the forecast it’s going to be the hottest day of the year so far tomorrow so I don’t think I’ll get up here much then either. It’s great having my own space but it’s freezing in Winter and like a sauna in Summer so not ideal really. It’s been nice today but not sunny, it’s quite muggy and uncomfortable


Those of you who read my blog regularly will know that I have a habit of rescuing small animals and I found a little bird today. They’re all over the place at the moment building their nests and flying straight across the road into the paths of oncoming cars. I was just about to turn into my street and saw a tiny little brown bird just sat in the  middle of the road so I pulled up and ran back to him praying that no cars came the other way before I got there. I scooped him up in my hand and he didn’t move at all poor little thing he was just blinking and he had a tiny droplet of blood just above his beak. I think it was a baby and he’d obviously flown into a car. Keith had just ordered a watch and had it delivered to me at work and it was lucky that I had it in the car, I was trying to hold the bird in one hand and open the box with the other so I could put him in it, I don’t know what I would have done if I hadn’t had that box. I rang the local vets and she said just leave him in there for a while in the dark as sometimes they’re just a bit stunned. I didn’t know if to take the box back to where I found him in case his Mum was looking for him but there are a few cats around there so I was worried about that and didn’t want him near the road if he was a bit shocked. After about 20 minutes I was going to have a little peek and as soon as I opened the box he just flew out …hooray. I was cheering and clapping like a mad woman I was so pleased that he was ok. I think he’d just needed some time to come round but he wouldn’t have lasted long on the road poor little chap so I did a good deed today!





Onto today's card and it’s time for another challenge at Papertake Weekly and this week our theme is…


~~Hot Hot Hot~~


This could be a colour theme so using warm colours such as reds, hot pinks, oranges, yellows etc. - or maybe you have another interpretation!!


There is a yummy voucher up for grabs from The Ribbon Girl for the lucky winner






As always there is some fab inspiration from the design team so pop over and have a look if you need a few ideas


I used it as a colour theme, they’re not colours I use very often so it made a change…



PTW 12 - Hot hot hot



I used gorgeous K & Co papers and made the flowers with my favourite Crealies die

The Patch and Puss image is from the Lili of the Valley Art Pads, they are fab if you don’t have time to colour

The red lace was a roll end from work, we have this for sale in the Lili of the Valley shop in a few lovely colours

The sentiment is from the scroll sentiments which fit the scroll from the Geisha Girl companion set, both again Lili of the Valley






That’s it from me, enjoy the rest of your Tuesday





  1. Gorgeous card Anne, love those deep colours,
    Glad the little birdie was ok in the end. I'm glad it was you that found it and not me thou, I'm terrible with birds. Love looking at them but am terrified lol.
    Hugs Kelly

  2. Loved your story Anne. We too love the birds. Your card is beautiful. I love the colours. Hugs Rita xxx

  3. Ohhhh you really have a big heart Anne, I am so happy for the little bird, as I am the same with animals, always rescuing them as you do :))) The card is sooooo gorgeous. Such a cute image and I love the pretty papers too. hugs! MOjca

  4. Awwww so glad you saved the baby bird Anne, it was lucky you had that box handy to put him in.
    Your card is fabulous. I love the image, gorgeous sunny colours and beautiful lace
    Sue xx

  5. Hi Anne, Well done for your successful rescue. We were always rescuing a variety of animals when we had cats. As we don't have cats anymore, we now enjoy the birds we get on our bird feeder. Except for the Jackdaws, they are a pain in the butt! Love your very hot card! Great design and love the cute image. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  6. Hi Anne, Love your card and the gorgeous colours you have used. What a lucky little bird. We had Blue Tits nesting in our bird box and one baby kept falling out (or getting pushed out) so I had to keep watch and put it back in. I'm not sure whether it survived, but hope it did.
    Chris X

  7. Gorgeous card Anne love your image and colours xx

  8. fabulous hot colours anne to go with our warm weather! Glad you did your good deed - I never know what to do for the best! Big Hugs rachel xx

  9. Your bright background really highlights your image! I love the various papers in your flowers. So glad your bird story had a happy ending, I was hoping so the whole time I was reading.

  10. LOved your story and pleased the wee bird was OK. Love your card, I think these colours are wonderful, great image too, Kate x

  11. Love your card Anne, and I'm so pleased that your little birdie was ok. It must be a nice feeling to have helped him recover and save him from being the cats' dinner!

  12. oh anne that is just too cute hunny. I am so pleased the little bird was ok too. We have some zanny swift chicks in the eaves of the house next door and they are looking increasingly brave! we get a really good view from our landing window and mo loves it!!
    huge hugs Lou xxx

  13. Gorgeous card Anne :-) the image is adorable and the colours and whole design are fabulous :-)

    aww so glad you rescued the little bird :-) I am the same,,,, a few days ago there was a little mouse scurrying around my yard, closely followed by 3 of my 9 cats, and I rescued him ,,, poor little mite must have been terrified :-/ He seemed unharmed and I set him free in the field :-)

    Lols x x x

  14. Awh!! What a lovely story Anne, so glad the little birdie was ok.. and you too:)
    Lovely card, think this image is so cute!..
    I think you need to send that weather down here to Doncaster, we've had rain this morning and it's quiet cool:(..
    Have a good week-end..
    Marjorie xx

  15. Wow these papers are super and go lovely with this image.Beautiful card.How kind and nurturing you were with that birdie.Glad it flew away and was ok.Hugs Debbie x


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