
Sunday 21 July 2013

Blue and White …




Hey everyone, I hope you’re having a nice weekend

Thanks so much for all your good luck messages for Jess. We had a lovely couple of days, what a beautiful part of the Country

The racing yard was amazing, 120 horses in 500 acres and everyone was really friendly. She got a bit of a temperamental horse for her first ride and he decided he didn’t want to do as he was told so not a good start for her! She managed to get him under control and they offered her a 2 week trial when she finishes college on August 2nd so she must have done ok. Hopefully that will lead to a placement for her apprenticeship, I’d have liked her to be a little bit closer to home but she’s happy so that’s the main thing


Here she is doing what she loves  ….






Time for another colour challenge at The Ribbon Girl and this month it’s to use the colours blue and white

Here’s a lovely inspiration picture for you…





There are two fabulous prizes for our lucky winner from Lili Of The Valley and Ribbon Girl








As always the Design Team have created some fabulous projects to inspire you so do go and take a look


I’ve used a Magnolia stamp on my card, I have quite a few and they’re sadly neglected…



July - Blue and white



The gorgeous papers are from Maja design and the sentiment stamp is one of the fabulous Lili of the Valley statements

Behind Tilda is one of the useful new Journalling Tags embossed in white



Blue 4



Blue 3



Elise always sends us the cards she makes to use in the Lili of the Valley showroom, she’s so thoughtful and puts me a lovely note and a little pressie in the box every time. The pretty white roses were one of her little gifts so thank you Elise  …you’re a very special lady x 



Blue 2 




The rest of the gorgeous goodies are all from the Ribbon Girl, these crystal hearts are just beautiful and I think I’ll be using them a lot on my cards


Emily lace

Crystal hearts

Hemp twine


Kort and Godt rolled paper roses

Heart pins

White beaded sprigs




It’s a bit cooler today so I’m hoping to sneak in a couple of hours crafting later while Keith is nicely occupied watching the golf!


Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone




  1. Great pic of your daughter riding. My son wants to go to Racing College when he leaves school and wants to be a jump jockey. Fingers crossed for them both hey. Take care Zo x

  2. Gorgeous card Anne, love the layout :) Great pic of your daughter too!

    Tanya xx

  3. Wonderful Photo of your daughter Anne, well done to her too, I would imagine not an easy environment for a girl to work in, being male dominated although, thare are now many more woment jockeys. You must feel really proud.

    Beautiful card, such lovely shades of blue and a wonderful image, Kate x

  4. Well done to Jess..that is a lovely photo. It is great when our kids actually get to do something they enjoy isn't it Anne. Your blue and white card is gorgeous, great little details. Yesterday here in Surrey it was really cloudy but the sun is back today..yay! Enjoy your crafting..I am hitting my studio whilst my Hubbie does my son's VAT. ...lucky him....;0) x

  5. Congratulations to Jess! Such a lovely photo and your card is gorgeous too xx

  6. Lovely card honey and fab pics. Well done to Jess.

  7. Well done to your daughter, it good that she is doing something she has a real passion for.
    Your card is gorgeous. I love the design, colours and wonderful detailing.
    I hope you enjoy the rest of the day.
    Sue xx

  8. Wow love your card. Perfect use of blue and white. And well done to your daughter too x

  9. Hi Anne, Your daughter look very comfortable on board. She must follow her dreams. Love your card and gorgeous colour. Love these big stamps, this one could be used for Christmas too. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  10. Hi Anne,
    What a beautiful card and I just love the papers you have used and all the other elements actually. Well done to your daughter, I'm sure she has a brilliant future ahead of her.
    Chris X

  11. Ohhhh wow your daughter is really brave to ride a horse like this!!! I love your pretty blue card and Tilda looks just marvelous. Hugs! MOjca


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment, I love to read them and will try to return the visit. Anne x

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