
Wednesday 23 October 2013

Oh Christmas Tree …



Evening everyone, hope you’re all well?

I’m just watching last nights ‘Great British Bake Off’ final, I’ve watched this every year since it started and I enjoy it.I love baking but don’t very often because I’m the one who ends up eating it all lol

I don’t seem to cook much at all now, Jess isn’t here and Joe is rarely in. It seems so much easier to pop into M&S and get a ready meal and to be honest not much more expensive by the time you’ve bought all the ingredients. I like cooking and made a meal every night when the kids were little and we all used to sit down at the table together for tea. We always did when I was growing up and I suppose it rubbed off on me, it’s nice to chat about the day and have some family time



Don’t forget that there’s another Lili of the Valley show on Create and Craft tomorrow at noon, Dawny is doing the show with Leoni so it should be good – don’t miss it!



Onto this weeks Papertake Weekly challenge and for this one our theme is…


Oh Christmas Tree


…so please either make a tree or include one in your card or project


I made this tree out of Frosty Christmas papers, I saw a tutorial in a magazine and fancied having a go. I was pleased with it, I think it would look lovely in the Classic Christmas papers, red and green, and maybe do 3 different sizes


PTW 30 - Oh Christmas Tree  


 tree star



tree bottom



You start by making a cone from card and straighten alomg the bottom so it stands up

Cut strips of paper and curl them

Starting at the bottom using double sided tape round the tree in layers, stick them all the way up. You have to shape them a bit as you get closer top the top and it gets narrower

I trimmed it with a bit of Tim Holtz idealogy silver tinsel

Cut out 5 stars and fold them in half, then stick each half to the next one until you come to the fifth, join this to the first one. I struggled getting it to stand on top so I ended up sticking a cotton bud up into the star and the other end into the tree with some tacky glue




Hope you like it, there’s some great inspiration from the DT ..and as always a prize for the winner who will be announced next Tuesday!





  1. WOW! This is gorgeous Anne, such a fabulous design and some of my favourite papers too. Thank you for explaining how you made it.
    I enjoyed the Great British Bake Off too. I used to bake quite often with my daughters but now I leave them to it although I usually get called in to help tidy up afterwards!
    Sue xx

  2. Fabulous tree Anne. I do still bake ,but not as much as when all the family were at home. hugs Rita xxx

  3. Oh this is fantastic! I'm sure it would look gorgeous in traditional colours, but I personally adore this version. I'm really fond of blues this christmas, and this just looks like a lovely snowy tree.

    I cook meals for the family every night (except for those occasions we go out or have a take-away, or the even rarer - once every 4 months or so - times when hubby cooks!), and we *always* sit down at the dinner table as a family. I personally find the idea of doing anything else baffling, lol. Right now the biggest struggle is getting my 13-year-old daughter to take her hat off while we're eating. Guess I'm a traditionalist in some ways... x

  4. this is fabulous Anne - really cool idea - might try this and adapt it for use with my rainbows - that would be good. I know what you mean about the baking - I definitely end up eating everything I bake! Its not good for me so generally I don't. Hugs xx

  5. Hello Anne, what a fab tree, would make a great christmas table decoration, made with those gorgeous Frosty papers. Hugs Kate x

  6. This is fabulous Anne. A wonderful idea in that it could be decorated to match any colour scheme.
    Enjoy the rest of your week.
    Hugs Sharon. x

  7. This is fantastic Anne, love it! Looks really well and I love the star on top and the little bits of tinsel, so pretty :) I love baking too, my mum brought home a load of chocolate chips to me from America so I've been baking cookies every couple of days for the last few weeks hehe, my dad's delighted! My mum used to do all the cooking here, but she was ill in January with a bad flu so I was taking care of her and my dad (who wouldn't even know how to turn the microwave on let alone the cooker!) and somehow even though she fully recovered from her bug months and months ago, I still cook most of the meals - a task I enjoy as I have an impressive stash of recipe books :D

    Tanya xx

  8. Hi Anne, your tree is fantastic! Gosh you have a lot of patience to do this. Love the star om the top. I used to love cooking but find it really boring these days. I think it is an age thing. I used to like baking cakes and even made wedding and special event cakes. If I baked now, like you I would end up eating it! Hugs, Carol S.xx

  9. Wow Anne!! This is amazing... it looks so gorgeous and would make a lovely centre piece on the table:)..
    Isn't it funny how we want our kids to sit down at the table and share there day with us.. my children did it all the time, but my granddaughter is another story.. We still manage to do it on a Sunday though lol!!
    Marjorie xx

  10. What an amazing project Anne!!! Really stunning. hugs! Mojca

  11. This is fantastic Anne, Really amazing, I think we all need a tutorial! LOL

  12. That is such an amazingly beautiful tree! I tried the same last year, but gave up half way because mine turned out quite ugly. I might try it again this year knowing that is is possible to get it quite beautiful, looking at your tree!


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