
Tuesday 8 October 2013

Two by Two …



Hey fellow crafters! how are you all this evening?

It was the Harrogate show last weekend and it’s one that I enjoy, it’s local to me and it’s always good to see some friendly faces. Quite a few of our customers attend and also some of my blogging friends who live in the area came along. Thanks for stopping by to say hello, I’m so sorry that I was too busy to have a chat with some of you

When I got I home I was sorting through my stash, I have things that I’ve bought at previous shows over the last couple of years (that I just had to have at the time  …you know!) and they’re still sat in the drawer unopened. I’m making myself a promise to use something on every card I make that I’ve not used before  …so watch this space, it could take some time!


I said I’d do a little candy draw so I got Joe to pick a name from the comments that were left on last weeks card

He chose …




Thanks to everybody who comments on my posts, I know some of you visit regularly and I appreciate it, it’s great to know I’m not talking to myself!

Let me have your address Netty and I’ll send you out a little prize




So onto the new challenge at Papertake Weekly and our theme is…

Two By Two

…quite simply we just want you to use 2 of something on your card this week
This could be two papers, or two different types of embellies ie a ribbon and some flowers. There could be 2 people/characters in your image, or you may want to use 2 different stamps. So lots of ideas there but as always, how you interpret this is up to you :)

There is some fab inspiration from the DT and this week’s smashing prize is from from Whiff of Joy




For my 2 items I used 2 different colours of liquid pearls on the flowers  …



PTW 28 - Two by two





Here’s my list of supplies;


Lili of the Valley Hydrangeas

K & Co papers

Liquid Pearls

Magnolia Doo Hickey border die

Sizzix bigz doily die

Flowers from Wild Orchid Crafts

Pearly bits and ribbon from The Ribbon Girl



Hope you like it, enjoy the rest of your evening!





  1. I'm actually quite good at using new stuff... It tends to stay "out" until it's been used in some way. It's just that once it's used once it gets put away, and then I forget it exists! lol.
    I did very much enjoy the Harrogate show though. Got lots of pretty loot, some of which has already been used, and some which is waiting!

    And your card is so lovely! I love the colours, and the liquid pearls are such a great touch! x

  2. This is so striking Anne. I love the image and the bright, beautiful colours.
    Enjoy the rest of your week.
    Hugs Sharon. x

  3. great hydrangea - beautiful - I have a box like your draw - its just madness - I can't seem to stop spending even though I don't need these things!!! We're all the same! Hugs rachel x

  4. Fab card Anne, super pearly details! Congratulations to Annette. Ruby x

  5. Gorgeous card Anne, I love the image and beautiful sunny colours.
    Sue xx

  6. Beautiful card, Anne! I love the colors and beautiful floral image! Wonderful coloring and design!

  7. This is a really pretty card Anne, lovely image and colours. Hugs, Claire x

  8. Fab card Anne, those papers are fab.. I love this image, my mum's fave flowers are hydrangeas :) Can't wait to see all the cards made with your unopened stash :P

    Tanya xx

  9. Hi Anne, this is so pretty and love the colours. Such a nice change from Christmas cards!! Hugs, Carol S.xx

  10. WOW, this is gorgeous,
    Big HUGZ Fleur xXx

  11. Hi Anne beautiful card, such a gorgeous image beautifully colored, lovely embellishments too, hugs Kate X

  12. Oh my this is totally gorgeous Anne! Such a lovely image! And congrats to Annette!!! hugs! Mojca

  13. Lovely card Anne, and love the flower array around the edge. The buds are lovely. Thanks so much for picking me as your candy winner. Mwah!!! You've made my day. :0)

  14. Beautiful Card. The image is great and the colour combinations are nice. The embellishments are pretty and I love the layout.


  15. Lovely card Anne, I love the flower stamps they can be used for so many different occasions...
    Looking forward to your creations using your unused stash! Maybe I should take a leaf out of your book and do the same lol!!
    It was lovely to have a quick chat with you last week-end:) xx
    Marjorie xx


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment, I love to read them and will try to return the visit. Anne x

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