
Sunday 26 January 2014

Anything Goes Team Challenge…

Morning everyone, it’s been really cold this past week and today it’s pouring down with rain so I don’t think I’ll be going far!
Some of you probably know I had a hip replacement about 8 years ago and after 8 amazing trouble free years I’ve very suddenly been having a lot of pain. I don’t know what I did or what happened but I didn’t expect this for another 10 years so it’s a bit worrying
It’s taken us over a year to find a date that fitted in with us and the kids for a holiday and we were going to book it next week for the end of March. Now I daren’t book anything because there’s no way I could go on holiday like this …which is so disappointing
Keith’s Mum has been in hospital on top of that, she’s 92 and generally in very good health but she’s had some heart problems and a chest infection so poor Keith is running around after the both of us!
Jess is home for the weekend as she’s swapping her car, it’s always lovely to see her but 2 minutes after she walks through the door the house is like a bombsite! Joe decided he was leaving home last week after we wouldn’t let him spend £200 on some furry pet in a cage so he’s been making a point at his friends for a few nights …..
….happy days!!!
Needless to say I’ve been struggling to get in the attic to do any crafting, I can just about climb the ladder and sit in my chair as long as I don’t twist and some days it’s better than others. I made this heart in plenty of time for the new Ribbon Girl challenge and then Keith brought it down for me yesterday to take a picture
The team challenges start again next week and to kick off the 2014 challenges this week is an Anything Goes theme with the whole team joining in and there is also a brand new blog….this one is a dedicated space for our challenges so that our other blog can be kept for sharing inspiration and giveaways so make sure you have them both added to your favourites
As always we have a lovely prize and this week it’s some goodies from the Ribbon Girl online store

Prima Treasures Garden Bench & Bridge Mixed Dahlia White (to colour yourself)
10mm Ivory Pearl Square Trim 10 Aurora Borealis crystal hearts

The lucky winner will get a Prima Park Bench & Bridge Set, White Mixed Dahlias to colour yourself, a metre of 10mm flat back ivory pearl square trim and a packet of ten aurora borealis hearts

Full details and some fabulous inspiration from the full Ribbon Girl team can be found on the challenge blog here


I decided to try something different for this one, this heart was hung in my conservatory, I love things like this but it was a bit boring as it was just cream…

January anything goes

January anything goes 2

Here’s what I used;
Lili of the Valley Country Lady papers
Treasure Gold wax
and from the Ribbon Girl;
Old rose pleated crushed organza
Pink pearl bead string
Diamante heart stick pin
Key heart charm
Button twine
Hope you like it, I’m going to try and do other things than cards this year and I enjoyed making this for a change
I’m trying to rest a bit so I’m going to grab the chance to do some blog hopping and see what you’ve all been up to. A few of you regularly leave me a comment and it’s very much appreciated
Have a good Sunday folks x


  1. Hi Anne, Sorry to hear about your hip. It's very frustrating, not to be able to do the things you want to do. I know very well how you feel, since I had my knee replacement last year. I am convinced that this weather has an effect on our joints.

    Your heart is so pretty and love the paper and ribbons you have used. I love making other things than just cards and get a great satisfaction from seeing things about the house, that I have recycled or made. Looking forward to seeing some more of your creations. Happy Sunday. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  2. Such a gorgeous heart, I really love how you've decorated it - beautiful! I want to branch out from cards more too and this is definitely inspiring! Sorry to hear about your troubles and I hope that better times are around the corner for you.
    Rebecca. x

  3. So sorry to hear about your hip problems.. nothing worse than being in constant pain. However, it didn't affect your creativity at all, this heart is gorgeous!

  4. a stunning hanger Anne - so sorry to hear about your hip - hope you get it sorted soon! Hugs rachel x

  5. Sorry to hear about your hip Anne, I had one done about 7 years ago, and I have not been pain-free at all!

  6. Worry to hear things are hard at the moments for you Anne. I hope your hip improves so you can all go on holiday.
    Hugs Kelly

  7. oh so sorry to hear about your hip problems, hope you'll get it sorted out soon. your heart is absolutely gorgeous! hugs! MOjca

  8. Oh dear Anne, I am really sorry to hear about your hip pain. It is such a shame that you may not be able to get away on a much needed holiday now. I hope things improve for you soon.
    Your decorated heart is stunning. Some of my favourite papers and I love all your gorgeous detailing.
    Take care
    hugs Sue xx

  9. I love your creation Annie!! Saw it on the ribbon girl blog.. its so gorgeous!!

  10. Hi Anne, I sympathize so much with your pain...wishing you some relief, and you seem to be standing your ground with your son...we all hope that one day our kids will know and understand 'tough love'. Your decorated heart piece is adorable, perfect to hang, so pretty! Best wishes, Ruby x

  11. Oh Anne you are certainly having a bad time of it aren't you.Hope your hubby's Mum improves soon and that you get sorted out too.Thinking of you and sending you some hugs.Absolutely love this heart

  12. Sorry my iPad wouldn't let me finish.You've made a beautiful job of altering it and making it look gorgeous. so pretty.Take care.Hugs Debbie x

  13. Oh sorry to hear you're having a rough time of it. I hope your Hubby's Mum is better soon and that you get some pain relief too.
    Your decorated heart is gorgeous - so pretty.
    Take care
    Lorraine x

  14. Oh dear Anne, you sound in a bit of a state, l hope the hip is just a temporary hiccup and is soon back to normal. Hope you MIL is on the mend too. Kids eh - more stress...
    By the Way the heart is lovely, take care x Susan x

  15. gorgeous heart Anne and best wishes for some pain relief and a permanent resolution to your hip problem, hugs Mary x

  16. Sorry to hear you're in pain at the moment Anne, I hope they sort it out soon for you.
    Love your decorated heart. It's lovely.
    I'm sure that Joe will realise that he wants to come home when he runs out of clean clothes. :0)

  17. Wow, what a gorgeous heart design Anne.

    Hugs diane

  18. What a very stunning Heart, beautiful work!! I love all you do.
    I have a question I don't know if you can answer, you did a card and an image from LOTV called Hand Picked, and in it you used a stamped image of a fence, do you know where you got it from?
    Thanks for sharing your talents, and thanks in advance for attempting maybe to answer my question.

  19. This is so gorgeous Anne, love the scrummy bow. Sorry to hear you're in pain and hope your Mum in law feels well soon.

    Donna x

  20. Hi Anne I'm really sorry to hear that you are having some hip problems and hope it settles soon. Your heart is very pretty, the bow finishes it off perfectly. I can remember the trials of the teenage gets better and before you know it you become a nana! Take care, hugs xx


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment, I love to read them and will try to return the visit. Anne x

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