
Tuesday 7 January 2014

Sneaky Peek …



Hey everyone, happy new year to you! I hope you all had a wonderful  Christmas, where on earth did the holidays go?

I didn’t get much crafting done (best laid plans and all that …) but I did do a few jobs that I’d been putting off and caught up with some friends which was nice. I think it’s good sometimes to just do nothing although the days seem to go even quicker when you have no purpose

Jess started her new job so she was home which was an unexpected bonus, but both her and Joe have their own agendas now and it takes a bit of getting used to not having to think about what they want to do before making plans!! It’s the first Christmas for ages that everyone has been fit and well, there’s usually some lurgy going around just in time for the festive season!




Mary and Andrea at the Ribbon Girl have got an exciting new blog! The old inspiration blog will keep going and there is now a new one just for challenges which you can find here challenge blog

They have a smashing giveaway at the moment so do pop over there if you’d like to win these lovely brass charms. They are some of the new goodies which they are stocking, brand new for 2014!



There’s a little banner too for you to put on your own blogs;


 photo lovetoshop_zps034f033b.jpg



Time for the first challenge of the New Year over at Papertake Weekly 

It’s the beginning of the month so it’s Anything Goes and the optional extra theme is to ‘celebrate something new’

I’m celebrating the brand new stamps from Lili of the Valley which go on sale next Monday, everyone loves James the Bear and this one is called James – Daisy



PTW 40 - Anything Goes New


I made a bit of a mess of the colouring to be honest, he looked ok and then I couldn’t leave well alone and decided to add some prismacolour pencils and sansodor. All the bloomin ink smudged so I used copious amounts of stickles in a very bad cover up job lol – he’s seriously sparkly!!

Here’s everything I used;

Handwritten Phrases

Grunge swirls (the dots around the image)

K & Co papers

German glass glitter

EK Success retro flower punch

Tim Holtz idealology brads and film strip

Liquid pearls

Doily from stash

The gorgeous butterflies came all the way from Holland with my lovely friend Gretha, they are fab!


Some of you who visit my blog regularly will remember me deliberating over wether to throw away the teensiest scrap of lace a while ago – you all said NO, don’t do it!! I kept it. You can’t see very well on the picture but it’s tucked in front of the film strip behind the paper flowers!!




It’s Tuesday so I’m off to see my friend next door now for a sneaky glass of wine!

I hope you all enjoy your evening whatever you’re doing





  1. See, there's always a use even for the teensy bits. lol. This is such a lovely card Anne! Gorgeous colours, and I love the flowers and butterflies. I can't wait for the new stamps to be released... I must have me some more James! x

  2. Such a beautiful card - love the embellishments and the cute image of course!

  3. Fabulous card Anne - love the cute James image - can't wait to spend my Christmas Gift Voucher :o)
    Debs xx

  4. I'm definitely going to need these new images. I can't wait for them to come out. Love your card, and I don't see the problem with too much sparkle! Love that scrap of lace found a home too.

  5. Happy New Year to you and your family Anne.
    I love this card, James is adorable....I need!! lol
    Lorraine x

  6. Happy New year, I love James, sparkly or non sparkly and your layout is fab. Great tip re the lace scrap x

  7. Hi Anne - so glad you had a good Christmas - love your card - such a cute image and I love those 'handwritten' sentiments stamps - lovely! Hope your glass of wine was a goodie! Hugs Rachel x

  8. Hi Anne, Happy New Year to you too. I am an avid James fan and love him whatever you do to him! Your card is really pretty and glad to see you used that piece of lace! How many glasses of wine?!!! Hugs, Carol S.xx

  9. Good morning Anne I saw your super card over at the LOTV blog...what a cutie and anything with daisies is pretty perfect in my books now we have our own sweet Daisy..LOL. Glad to see that scrap of lace found a happy home. I really like the little punch you used too x

  10. Good morning Anne, Lovely card, and I wouldn't say you had botched the colouring... it looks fabulous!! Great card design and I love all the elements you have used, this is a lovely image of James and looks like a very versatile stamp... mmmm more pennies needed lol!!
    I haven't blogged since November, but hopefully life will get back to some normality soon lol!! ( Or does it ever lol!!)
    Hope this year is great for you and your family, it's nice to have everyone close to home:) xx
    Marjorie xx

  11. Gorgeous card Anne, pleased the lace came in useful - eventually x. Love the new stamp - bet this one will be popular x Susan x

  12. I love this card Annie especially the colours used and the inking its fab a perfect vintage look without being dark or dull and how cute is that bear ! love him so sweet ,congrats re cover of quick cards magazine you must be very proud and well deserved too crafty hugs Andrea x


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment, I love to read them and will try to return the visit. Anne x

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