
Saturday 3 May 2014

Sketchie Free For All…




Hey everyone, it’s the weekend again already and I don’t know where the last week went, can you believe it’s May already

The weather is fab today, let’s hope it continues for a while


There’s a new Sketch this week at Papertake Weekly, I chose to use the new layout but as it’s a ‘Sketchie Free For All’ you can choose any of the sketches from the back catalogue and just add the number of the sketch you’ve used on your entry

There is a sketches page at the top of the challenge blog to make it easier and there are lots to choose from.
Hopefully this will save you having to go back through the archives to find one that you like :)







PTW 56 - Sketch 89 



PTW 56 - Sketch 89 2



This isn’t a colour combination I would normally use but I took the colours from the image which is out of the English Charm art pad (these toppers are so useful for a quick card) and I quite liked the green and purple for a change

The papers are from Promises 

I used one of my favourite crafty products on the flowers, distress stickles

The lovely broiderie anglaise and velvet ribbons are from the Ribbon Girl



Have a look at the challenge, there is a fab prize up for grabs and always and some lovely inspiration from the DT



Last week I promised I’d have some candy, I numbered the comments and the drew a winner which was you…


Congratulations, email me with your address Rachel

I really do appreciate all the feedback, a huge thank you to everyone who takes the time to leave me a comment





Have a great weekend everyone




  1. Lovely image, and the Promises pad is my favourite (along with all the other Lili's!)

  2. This is lovely Anne, I know I keep saying this but the Art Pads are fabulous, can't wait to see the new ones!
    Love your take on the sketch, I haven't used distressed stickles, need to put that on my shopping list lol!! It looks lovely on your flowers:)...
    Congratulations to Rachel too!...
    Marjorie xx

  3. This is beautiful Anne. Love the image and the colours are gorgeous as is the design.
    Enjoy the rest of your Bank holiday.
    Hugs Sharon. x

  4. This is gorgous Anne, such a pretty image and lovely colours xx

  5. Such a beautiful card Anne. I love the image and pretty design.
    I hope you are having a good weekend.
    Sue xx

  6. Gorgeous card Anne, hope you are taking advantage of this glorious weather x Susan x

  7. Hiya Anne - woohoo I'm your winner - thankyou so much! Love your card beautiful image and I love the colours! Off to email you now! Hugs rachel xx

  8. Lovely card Anne, and congrats to Rachel

  9. Congratulations to Rachel, enjoy your goodies. Lovely card Anne using such a fab image and the papers go so well with it. Love the die cut behind the image what is that one pls? Debra x

    1. Hi Debra, it's from the Spellbinders grand decorative circles one set x

  10. Pretty image Anne and the papers go perfectly. Lovely card. Hope you are having a great weekend. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  11. I have been waiting for this card to appear on your blog, so pretty, love that image and the gorgeous colours. Congrats to Rachel too. Enjoy your long weekend and see you next Saturday x

  12. Love the card ...happy crafting ...x

  13. What a gorgeous card Anne, just love the layout and pretty colouring. hugs! MOjca

  14. Just so beautiful Anne, the colours are wonderful and so is the layout, hugs Kate x

  15. Such a lovely card, the colour scheme is gorgeous and looks great with this beautiful image.


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment, I love to read them and will try to return the visit. Anne x

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