
Tuesday 7 July 2015

Anything Goes…



Hello everyone, hope you are all ok?

Did you have that lightning storm last week – it was amazing. I don’t think I’ve told you yet but Jess has been back home for a while, she was kicked by a horse and has a dislocated elbow. She came home for some TLC from her Mum and Dad and boy is she milking it, she’s running us ragged! Anyway, she and I were hanging out of the bedroom window for over an hour, the sky was just lighting up and I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like it in my life, certainly not in this Country.


Onto my Papertake Weekly card and as it’s the first one of the month it’s…

Anything Goes

… this month’s optional extra is to do Christmas In July and make a card or something for the festive season. I know that many of you are on with your Christmas cards already but if you can’t face the ‘C’ word yet it’s only an option!

I chose to go with Christmas in July and used my favourite James the Bear. This is from the Furry Christmas art pad and is also available as a stamp called James Santa Stop here.

I used the new Sunny Side Up papers, they’re not meant to be Christmassy but I thought the little chicken feet looked like footprints in the snow!!


July 7 - Anything goes Christmas 


I embossed the backing paper and then put a layer of tulle between the layers. The little snowflakes are done with a Cheery Lynn die and the sentiment is from the Lili of the Valley Christmas Wishes set (very useful set) I finished as always with some stickles, got to have a bit of sparkle!

Hope you like it, I love to get your comments so let me know what you think

I’m off to start my food now, my friend next door is coming round for a meal later with her Husband. They move house on Thursday so they’re surrounded by boxes and it’s a bit of a goodbye (although they’re only moving to the next village!) I always notice things that need cleaning though when anyone is coming so I’ve got poor Keith on his hands and knees doing the kitchen floor lol

Have a lovely week crafters, see you on Sunday for the new Ribbon Girl challenge,




  1. a gorgeous make Anne - love those papers - and they work brilliantly. I do hope your meal goes well tonight! Hugs rachel xx

  2. So cute card! Love the colours and the deign. Great idea the layer of tulle!

  3. Hello Anne, poor Jess, I hope she heals quickly without any consequences, but I guess it's a working hazard with horses.
    Love your card, cute image and love the papers, hugs Kate x

  4. The little footprints could belong to a robin!! Love James and this image is gorgeous, Sorry to hear about Jess. Hopefully she will be back riding soon. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  5. Gorgeous card, love the glittery details and beautiful papers. Hope Jess feeling better soon x

  6. Wonderful Christmas card Anne! I wouldn't have thought of using those papers but they really work with the lovely image. The snowflakes finish the card perfectly.
    I'm really sorry for Jess, that must have been so painful. I don't blame her for coming home and having her every need pandered to while she recovers, lol. I hope she's better soon. Have a wonderful meal with your friends. Debra x

  7. what a sweet and lovely card; I love James the bear.
    Regards, Helen

  8. Gorgeous, adorable card, wishing Jess a speedy recovery.

  9. Hope Jess is recovered soon. Gorgeous card, love this image, great use of the chicken feet paper

  10. Fabulous card Anne, I would have never of thought to use the chicken paper on a Christmas card.. you are clever lol!!.. so sorry to hear Jess has been hurt, hope her elbow is on the mend now!...
    Marjorie x

  11. Love the footprints in the snow idea with the chicken feet (although a bit worried about the yellow snow!). And of course I love James too. Lovely card Anne.

  12. Gorgeous such a sweet card love the image and fab colours love and hugs Carole x

  13. Love the layout you used, and of course James is a sure bet! :)


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment, I love to read them and will try to return the visit. Anne x

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